React Native Element ListItem Example
Apr 08, 2021 . Admin
Hi Guys,
In this blog, I will explain you how to use element ListItem in react native. You can easily use element ListItem in react native. First i will create import namespace ListItem from react-native-elements, after I will using element ListItem using for element ListItem tag add in react native example.
Here, I will give you full example for simply display element listitem using react native as bellow.
Step 1 - Create projectIn the first step Run the following command for create project.
expo init elementListItemStep 2 - Installation of Dependency In the step, Run the following command for installation of dependency. To use element listitem you need to npm install react-native-elements --save. To install this open the terminal and jump into your project
cd elementListItem
Run the following command
npm install react-native-elements --save
In this step, You will open App.js file and put the code.
import React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, Text, View ,StatusBar ,Button } from 'react-native'; import { Header , ListItem, Avatar } from 'react-native-elements'; export default function App() { const list = [ { name: 'Dharmik Tank', avatar_url: '', subtitle: 'Laravel Devloper' }, { name: 'Mehul Bagada', avatar_url: '', subtitle: 'React Native Devloper' }, { name: 'Bhavesh Sonagra', avatar_url: '', subtitle: 'Designer' }, , { name: 'keval kashiyani', avatar_url: '', subtitle: 'PHP Devloper' }, ] return ( <View style={styles.container}> <Header barStyle="light-content" leftComponent={{ icon: 'menu', color: '#fff',paddingTop: 10 }} centerComponent={{ text: 'King Infotech.', style: { color: '#fff' ,paddingTop: 10 } }} rightComponent={{ icon: 'logout', color: '#fff' ,paddingTop: 10 }} containerStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#f4554a', justifyContent: 'space-around', }} /> <StatusBar animated={true} backgroundColor="#f4554a" /> <View style={styles.mainbox}> {, i) => ( <ListItem key={i} bottomDivider> <Avatar source={{uri: l.avatar_url}} /> <ListItem.Content> <ListItem.Title>{}</ListItem.Title> <ListItem.Subtitle>{l.subtitle}</ListItem.Subtitle> </ListItem.Content> </ListItem> )) } </View> </View> ); } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#fff', }, textinfo:{ margin:10, textAlign: 'center', fontSize: 17, }, });Step 4 - Run project
In the last step run your project using bellow command.
expo startOutput
It will help you...