How to Install and Use Composer on Ubuntu 22.04?

Jun 30, 2022 . Admin

Hi Guys,

This post will give you example of Steps to Install Composer on Ubuntu 22.04. you will learn Ubuntu 22.04 Install Composer. you can see Using Commands to Install Composer on Ubuntu 22.04. In this article, we will implement a Composer Install on Ubuntu 22.04. Let's see bellow example How to Install PHP Composer on Ubuntu 22.04?.

You can use this post for ubuntu 14.04, ubuntu 16.04, ubuntu 18.4, ubuntu 20.04, ubuntu 21 and ubuntu 22.04 versions.

Use the following steps to install and use Composer:

Step 1 – Run APT Update

Step 2 – Install PHP and cURL

Step 3 – Download Composer on Ubuntu 22.04

Step 4 – Use the PHP to install Composer

Step 5 – Check Composer Version

Step 1: Run APT Update

Run the following command to update apt packages:

sudo apt update
Step 2: Install PHP and cURL

Run the following command to install PHP and cURL

sudo apt install curl unzip
sudo apt install php php-curl
Step 3: Download Composer on Ubuntu 22.04

Run the following command on the command line to download Composer

curl -sS -o composer-setup.php
Step 4: Use the PHP to install Composer

Run the following command to install and set up the poser:

sudo php composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
Step 5: Check Composer Version

Run the following command to test the composer installation:

composer -V