How to Change phpMyAdmin Login URL Ubuntu Apache 22.04?

Jun 22, 2022 . Admin

Hi Guys, I am going to show you example of Give the permission to phpMyAdmin in ubuntu Code Example. This post will give you simple example of Ubuntu Server Guide Basic Installation Preparing to phpMyAdmin Login URL. we will help you to give example of Install and Configure Apache Server on Ubuntu. This article will give you simple example of An Easy Way to Install phpMyAdmin Login URL on Ubuntu. You can use this post for ubuntu 14.04, ubuntu 16.04, ubuntu 18.4, ubuntu 20.04, ubuntu 21 and ubuntu 22.04 versions. How to Change phpMyAdmin Login URL Ubuntu Apache 22.04?

Changing phpMyAdmin Login Access URL in Ubuntu Apache on Aws.

In the Ubuntu Apache web server, the phpMyAdmin login url is located at http: // server-ip / phpmyadmin.

Change PhpMyAdmin Login Page URL in Apache 2 Ubuntu

In ubuntu, the default phpMyAdmin login URL can be located at the apache configuration name apache.conf.

sudo nano /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf

Then, you can add the following line with your phpmyadmin url:

Alias /my-phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin

We will use the following command on your ssh terminal to restart its Apache 2 service:

sudo service apache2 restart