Laravel 9 Custom Command Example Tutorial

May 13, 2022 . Admin

Hello Friends,

Now let's see an example of how to create a custom command in laravel 9 example. This is a short guide on laravel custom command. Here you will learn how to create a custom command. We will use how to create custom command in laravel 9. Let's get started with how to create a custom command in laravel 9.

Here I will give you a few steps of instruction to create a custom command in laravel 9.

Download Laravel

Let us begin the tutorial by installing a new laravel application. if you have already created the project, then skip following step.

composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app
Custom command:
php artisan students:create

This command through we will create new admins. So first fire the below command and create a console class file.

php artisan make:command StudentCommand --command=students:create

Next to this command you can find one file StudentCommand class in the console directory. so one that file and put bellow code.


namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use App\Models\Student;
use Hash;

class StudentCommand extends Command
     * The name and signature of the console command.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'students:create';

     * The console command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Command description';

     * Create a new command instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return int
    public function handle()
        $input['name'] = $this->ask('Your name?');
        $input['email'] = $this->ask('Your email?');
        $input['password'] = $this->secret('What is the password?');
        $input['password'] = Hash::make($input['password']);


        $this->info('Student Create Successfully.');

After, Now I need to register this command class in the Kernel.php file, so open the file and add the class this way:


namespace App\Console;

use Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel as ConsoleKernel;

class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
     * The Artisan commands provided by your application.
     * @var array
    protected $commands = [
     * Define the application's command schedule.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule  $schedule
     * @return void
    protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)

Now we are ready to use or a custom command, you fire bellow command and check you can find command in the list this way "students: create".

php artisan list

php artisan students:create

It will help you....

#Laravel 9