Laravel Update a Record Without Updating Timestamp Tutorial
Feb 06, 2023 . Admin
Hi dev,
This article provides the most interesting examples of Laravel update records without update timestamps. I'll show you how to update a Laravel record without changing its timestamp. You will discover in Laravel how to update without a timestamp. The Laravel update query is presented without the update timestamp.
On sometimes, we wish to make changes to records in a database table without making changes to the timestamps (updated at column). Then, to stop updating timestamps, we may make $model->timestamps = false; in Laravel. So let's look at the basic code:
Example:<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use App\Models\Post; class DemoController extends Controller { /** * Write code on Method * * @return response() */ public function index(Request $request) { $post = Post::first(); /* Prevents timestamps auto-update */ $post->timestamps = false; $post->title = "Demo Updated"; $post->save(); } }
I hope it can help you...